Welcome to the COVID-19 Working from Home Soundboard.

How to use:
1 - Use the arrow keys to set the scene.
2 - Join a video conference.
3 - Instead of using your mouth, use your keyboard to talk.
4 - See how long you can do this before you get fired.

Please note:
Once the sounds start, they don't stop. You'll need to refresh the page or try turn your computer off and on again.

Arrow left - Office Ambience
Arrow up - Music
Arrow right - Typing
Arrow down - Phone Interuption

0 - Touch
1 - Meet
2 - Oops
3 - Technical Issues
4 - Soundbaord
5 - After 5
7 - Meeting Joke #1
8 - Email?
9 - I'm out

Q - JCRs
W - Curb it
E - Robot
R - Inbox
T - You're cutting out
Y - Co-worker
U - Banter
I - Child
O - Nah just kidding
P - Ahuh

A - Sound off
S - Netflix
D - (Haha)
F - Try again
G - Screen share
H - Mute
J - Minor Emergency
K - Hello
L - Interuption #1

Z - Kettles done
X - Link
C - Meeting Joke #2
V - Everyone
B - Can you see me?
N - Not now
M - Interuption #2